Dear ‘Friend’

It’s ok if you have lost faith in me as a friend. I ‘prolly’ would too if i were in your shoes. But i couldn’t be. Your metaphorical shoes would be too comfy for me, i would end up no where at all in my life’s journey. I’d just be moving around in circles, enjoying the comfort that your shoes offer.

Now, you also could not walk a step in my tattered, pinching, comfortless metaphorical shoes.

And since comfort and smooth sailing is all you’ve known along your road of life, i can understand how being in my shoes is a tad far-fetched and unimaginable for you.

Which is why you show neither me nor others thriving life’s rocky hills with patched, over-sewn sneakers and ‘chalewotes’, little or no grace at all. I get it.

But that is okay. No, really it’s fine. 

I guess it’s true what they say, that what rocks one man’s boat might just sink another’s; but you are too unbroken to realise that truth.

And since loyalty is such a rare virtue, i can dig it if that quality has not taken root and hence, not sprouted in you yet.

After all, it is impossible to reap what has not been already cultivated.

So to all my Damons thriving the deserts of life without their Pythiases, keep your heads up, be strong and buckle up your good old dusty shoes

You are not alone. There is this friend who sticks closer than a brother. You can trust Him.

And remember, the tortoise always wins, ask Propaganda.

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